Cleanliness: Litter bins for a civic spirit

As cities continue to develop non-motorised transport and the walkability of public spaces becomes a necessity, urban cleanliness has moved increasingly into the spotlight, gaining attention and investment.
Cleanliness is essential for keeping towns attractive. It contributes to the quality of our experience of public spaces and is demanded by city dwellers as shown by the latest Kantar Public* survey: “among the many criteria deemed decisive by town dwellers for a good city experience, clean streets are a fundamental issue for 96%; 70% of them want more litter bins”.

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Outdoor ashtrays for clean pavements

The smoking ban is now part of our lives, and accepted by everyone. But doorways have now turned into gathering places, calling for new equipment, the outdoor ashtray.
New Husson models of outdoor ashtrays offer the dual benefit of being both attractive and practical, for users and cleaners alike. Plus they keep pavements clean and free from litter.